Game da Mu

Game da Birin
An haifi Brian kuma ya girma a Milan, TN inda ya fara haduwa da Allah mai canza rayuwa a cikin dakin kwanansa a lokacin hutun Kirsimeti na babbar shekararsa ta sakandare. Wannan lokacin ya haifar da yunwar ƙarin Allah. A cikin tafiyarsa na girma cikin dangantakarsa da Ubangiji, ya haɓaka sha'awar isa ga waɗanda suke buƙatar haduwarsu da Yesu. Brian ya fara biɗan kiran zuwa ga batattu ta wurin addu’a da bishara. ya fara biɗan kiran sallah da bishara a harabar jami'ar sa a 2001, kuma ya ci gaba da tafiya zuwa Hamilton, AL a 2005 don zama wani ɓangare na hidima, The Ramp. Ba da daɗewa ba bayan ƙaura zuwa Hamilton, ba da daɗewa ba aka fara aiki don isa ga matasan yankin kuma ya ɗauki kimanin shekaru 8. Tare da yin hidima a kan sikelin duniya tare da Ramp, Brian ya sami damar ganin kuda kuma shaidar yadda Allah ya canza rayuwar mutane har abada a yanki, ƙasa, da kuma duniya baki ɗaya. A yau, ya ga bisharar ta shafi dubban rayuka kuma ya ci gaba da jin kiran yin wa’azin bishara ga duniya.
Game da Alysse
Alysse ta girma a Clarksville, TN inda ƙaunarta ga fasaha ta fara. Tun tana karama tana son rawa. Yayin da ta girma sha'awarta ta fasaha kawai ta yi girma. Ta ci gaba da horar da ta a fannin fasaha a makarantar sakandare da jami'a. A cikin 2010 ta ƙaura zuwa Hamilton, AL kuma tun daga nan ta koyar da dakunan karatu, ta mallaki gidan wasan kwaikwayo, koyar da fasaha a ilimin jama'a, tare da wasu a ma'aikatar, The Ramp. Shekaru da yawa babbar kyautar Alysse ita ce rawa da wasan kwaikwayo. A cikin ƴan shekarun da suka gabata, ta ƙara yin magana yayin da Allah ya ba da sha'awar raba maganar Allah da mutane a yanki, ƙasa, da kuma duniya baki ɗaya. A yau tana amfani da kyaututtukanta na rawa da yin magana don ta taimaki wasu da kuma yin amfani da kyaututtukansu na fasaha azaman kayan aikin hidima don wa’azin bishara.
Da Beasley
Brian da Alysse sun haɗu a shekara ta 2010 sa’ad da Alysse ta ƙaura zuwa Hamilton, Alabama inda ta zo don ta taimaka wa hidima a hidima, The Ramp kuma suka zama abokai. Dangantakar su ta girma, kuma a watan Oktoba na 2012 sun yi aure. Tun daga wannan lokacin tare suka kasance fastoci na matasa a The Ramp, suna da gidan wasan kwaikwayo, limamin ma'aikatar da aka zaɓa, kuma sun zagaya duniya suna wa'azin bishara. Suna da yara huɗu masu ban mamaki Conley, London, Evangeline, da Ember waɗanda suke ƙauna kuma suna son yin lokaci mai kyau tare da su. A yau burinsu na iyali shi ne su ƙaunaci mutane da yin wa’azi da almajirai. Suna so su kai girbi don ɗaukaka Allah da baiwa da baiwar da Allah ya ba su
The Beasleys Ministry
Beasley Family Ministries is a family ministry that exists to evangelize and disciple the nations. Compelled to introduce the lost to Christ, our heart's desire and ministry is to win the lost and strengthen and encourage the body of Christ.
We do this by coming alongside pastors and leaders to advance the kingdom of God within their churches, ministries, and communities. We fulfill this using the tools God has given us through preaching and teaching the word within the different gifts and talents God has given us and through various missional works around the globe.

About Brian
Brian was born and raised in Milan, TN, where he first had a life-changing encounter with God in his bedroom at 17—that moment sparked a hunger for more of God and a passion to reach the lost. Brian took this newfound spark to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, where God began to open doors to reach people through prayer and evangelism. After seeing a move of God on the campus, God called Brian home to Milan, TN, for a season. It was here that Brian was exposed to a youth ministry called the Ramp. Through frequent travels to Hamilton to attend the Ramp, God opened the door in 2005 for Brian to move there to be a part of this world-changing ministry. Soon after moving to Hamilton, an assignment to reach the youth of the region began and lasted for about eight years. Along with ministering on a global scale with the Ramp, Brian has seen thousands of testimonies of how God forever changed people's lives on a local, regional, national, and global scale. He has seen thousands of lives impacted through the gospel. Today, he continues to hear the call to preach the gospel to the world and make disciples of all nations.

About Alysse
Alysse grew up in Clarksville, TN, where her love for the arts began, especially dance. From an early age, she loved to dance. As she grew up, her desire for the arts only blossomed. She continued her training in the performing arts in high school and into university. During her sophomore year of university in 2008, while pursuing a dream to be a performer in New York City, she had a personal encounter with the Lord that changed her life forever. In 2010, she felt the Lord leading her to drastically alter what direction she thought her life would go, and she moved to Hamilton, AL. While living in Hamilton, she has used her talents to encourage others in their gifts in the performing arts. Since 2010, she has taught at various studios, owned and directed a performing arts studio, was a fine arts teacher in public education, and has helped in dance alongside others at the Ramp. For many years, the primary gifting Alysse used in her life was dancing, creating choreography, and directing musicals. In recent years, her desire to share the word of God regionally, nationally, and globally has grown. Today, she uses her gift of teaching to encourage others in their identity and purpose that God has called them to, and she uses her gift of dance to help others use their artistic gifts as a tool to preach the gospel and give glory to God.