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Writer's pictureAlysse Beasley

The Step of Faith

What do you do when God calls you to do something that doesn’t make sense to you in your current place in life? I’m talking about His voice, and promises are clear, but the future is unknown. You know what He has said about your life, but you don’t understand how you will get there. That’s precisely how Brian and I felt when God started to speak to us about taking a step of faith. The most significant step we have taken thus far.

For almost three years, God has spoken to our hearts about what He has planned for us. We didn’t have clarity about what He was and is doing until this year. So, let’s go a little bit back in time…

About three years ago, there became a stirring that God had more for us to do. At that point, in the middle of 2020, our lives, like so many, were completely turned upside down. In 2020, we saw our business close suddenly, had multiple surgeries and learned how to do life during a pandemic. Even though all these life-shaking moments happened, one beautiful blessing that year was the birth of our sweet daughter Ember. These events were a lot to take in all at once. But, even through all of the chaos of our world, we continued to seek Him daily, and in the seeking, we kept hearing His voice calling.

We knew it had to do with dreams and visions for our lives that we “put on the shelf.” It wasn’t at all that we didn’t believe God would hold true to fulfilling these things, but the picture for our lives wasn’t clear. So we did what we knew to do: seek Him. Jeremiah 29:13 says, “Seek Me, and you will find Me,”  and that’s exactly what we did. It became a genuine hide-and-seek with God. Not in a way where He wasn’t trying to show Himself, but more like when you play a hide-and-seek game with a little child. You want the little child to find you. He wanted us to find Him. And just like you leave a foot sticking out for a child to find you, God would leave a “little breadcrumb” to keep us on the journey to find out what His heart was and where He wanted to take us. This wasn’t just about God telling us what He wants us to do out of service, but He wanted us to become closer to Him in relationship. This place of seeking God and the “little crumbs” left for us created a beautiful new path in the journey.

As we continued to seek the Lord, the story in the Bible about Peter walking on water was highlighted to us (Matthew 14:22-33). And just like Peter, we began to feel the stirrings to step out in faith. Like Peter’s question, our question was. “Lord, if this is you, bid us to come.” We honestly had no clue what that meant or looked like, but one thing was sure: we knew His voice. And when you begin to hear the whispers of His heart, you might not understand fully what He’s asking, but you’re willing to say “Yes” because you know you can trust Him.

As we continued along the journey, we began seeking godly counsel and wisdom. Our heart’s desire has been like Proverbs 11:14, "Where there is no counsel, the people fall: But in the multitude of counselors there is safety." As we sought wisdom, it became clear that what we felt was from the Lord; now, we were waiting on timing.

Timing is a big deal. In Ecclesiastes, it says there is a time and season for everything. You can hear the Lord’s word and promises for your life; however, it may not be time for it to be fulfilled. Don’t try to figure out the timing; just trust Him and His plan. But have the assurance that God WILL fulfill His word. Like Isaiah 60:22, "At the right time, I, The Lord, will make it happen!"

We hit 2023, and the Lord tells us now is the time. So, we take a step of faith. A step of faith that is fueled by trust in Him. Faith and trust in the One calling us to step out and begin to walk in the God-given words we received 8, 10, and 15 years ago. We don’t have all the answers yet, but we know who our God is and His faithfulness to us, and we trust Him with everything.

So, here we go, stepping out in faith with Beasley Family Ministries. We are saying yes again to trusting God. I encourage you today to seek Him first. Seek Him in His word and in prayer. Because when you seek Him, you will find Him. Second, trust His timing and trust that He will be faithful to all He says. Finally, when you hear His voice calling, take the step of faith. Whatever that step looks like, even if it is small, still take it. Keep your eyes on Him, and you will walk on water with Him.

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1 Comment

Jan 12, 2024

This is beautiful! Your walk with our Lord ! Listening for His word. Thank you for sharing your hearts of faith ! I want to give to your ministry and pray for your ministry. Thank you for even sharing with me. What a beautiful family full of joy and faith. Wilmuth

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